Little Things in Life are Precious
A Page from my Life DiaryFrom
Life Wanderer
13th October 2005
Little Things in Life are Precious
We are always fascinated by the small people making big bucks. We are having a pet term for it as ‘Rags to Riches’. We all want to become part of ‘rags to riches’ story. Usually there is a single or very few incidences wherein the person has played his cards right and lo ! He is eventually a very rich man – like Bill Gates. We are then told of the importance of hard work, dedication, spotting the big opportunity, getting help, market intelligence, having a product breakthrough etc.
Actually you may be wondering what I am up to ? Yes we are having rags to riches stories and we want to make it big in a similar way. What is wrong with it ? What is your objection to it ?
Yes, you put it right. I do have an objection to the way we get mystified by these stories. Frankly, every time I hear a new rags to riches story, my stomach used to turns inside out for I having missed this opportunity. I used to feel that I am some how being left out of the God’s lucky draw. I was highly uncomfortable with my jealous attitude. It will not help me a bit in getting rich – I used to tell myself. While at the same time, I could not deny the logic in my argument. Rags to Riches Stories do have an element of ‘lucky draw’ in it. Whatever may be the qualities of hard work, intelligence, product break through etc which have gone into making of this ‘rags to riches’ stories, it was not enough. It was not the whole story. One has to be at the right place at the right time and with right people and with the right environment….. Isn’t it a matter of luck ? If it were so, then what is wrong if I refuse to appreciate the winner of the lottery.
After much deliberation, introspection and meditative thought in the matter I have come to the conclusion that I am right. There is nothing in rags to riches stories for the common man. He can not emulate the success of these lucky persons. So what is the solution ? Here is the solution.
We must grab every small opportunity passing our way. Luck is the ability of the person to be consciously and constantly aware about spotting and grabbing the stream of opportunities which pass our way – everybody’s way. These opportunities may be very small opportunities indeed. They may not have the appeal of ‘rags to riches’ story. But surely they have the potential of adding to your wealth. Unfortunately, with our eyes to the skies for spotting a big breakthrough, we miss several small breakthroughs passing our way. And when we do not get any big lotteries, we stop trying. We resign to our fate. On the other hand, the person who always grabs the small opportunities, gets richer and richer. We should remember the ratio of getting richer is compounded in geometric proportion. The man gets richer in the ratio of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 etc and not 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc. The reason is that the confidence of the person who grabs the small opportunities is boosted by his success and this in turn pumps up his ability to spot bigger and better opportunities.
Now I am making a very daring proposition. I have applied it to myself with good success and have also seen it being profitably used by few other people. If we want to increase our sharpness and alertness for spotting the small opportunities passing our way every day, WE SHOULD STOP DREAMING ABOUT BIG BREAKTHROUGHS LIKE THOSE FAMOUS PEOPLE. This may raise many eyebrows. I will explain the reasons why I am making this bold proposition.
The alertness and awareness is directly related to the ‘here and now’ focus of attention. There are some breathing and meditative techniques for achieving heightened state of awareness. But first and foremost, we should stop dreaming. We should start living. Living consciously and with full awareness. We should stop playing lotteries. Secondly, we should learn to transform the little irritations and resistances and hesitations into free flowing energy which can be used for the much needed ‘forward push’. We may have to call a friend every 3 months and keep the contact alive. We know that he is a good source of possible opportunity in future. The reason we do not call him is not that we forget. The reason is subtle and sub-conscious hesitation. This may be due to our past experiences when after calling the friend, he was not available, his household gave us rude replies, he was busy and told us that he will call us later and did not called up and we took it as his avoidance of our contact… there may be many reasons. We may not even discern that we are having such hesitations. But we may not just call him. How many such contacts are we losing ? Far too many. All these contacts are like seeds. They may or may not work out. But we must sow the seed before we come to these conclusions. This is only just one example. Life offers ample small, tiny or micro opportunities continuously. Everybody is potential lucky person in a very tiny way. But who is interested in small gains ? We all want Big Gains.
I will make another daring statement. If you are not a scholar, you are lucky. You earn more money if you do not study and score good marks and get admission in prestigious institutions and become doctor and engineer. In good many cases this holds very much true. We all know the cases of our friends and relatives who did not study, were therefore slow starters and suddenly in their thirties they make it very big in some catering business or tourist industry or some franchise chains etc. The reason is that because of the lack of good qualifications, these people become more mobile. They can look for and take up versatile type of jobs. On the other hand a highly qualified MS doctor can not run a dept store even if he does not get a good job in his field. Though this is not a universal rule, it is a good pointer towards the validation of my theory. We should be mobile. We should not narrow down our stream of opportunities. We should not demarcate our poverty level.
In order to follow this path, you must first remove the clutter in your mind about the fixed dogmas and notions about the method of earning money. We need also to do certain types of Yoga and do the Prosperity Meditation. But even if we do not do this, just the simple rule of not letting go of an opportunity just because it is smaller than our ‘entry level’ standards will go a long way.
The issue here is not just the monetary gain you make. The issue is of far more profound. When we take every opportunity presented to us – small, micro or big or very big – we send a very clear and loud signal to the Universe. This signal is that of warm and loving welcome to the Goddess of Wealth.
And this is the Master Key.
Life Wanderer
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